

英漢字典: go out for

1. seek to enter into;try for a place on申請加入

    I recalled bitterly what a poor impression I had made on the coach when I went out for football. 我申請參加踢足球時給教練的印象很差,想來痛心。

    Ten boys went out for track that spring. 那年春天10個男孩參加田徑隊。

2. strive for努力爭取得到

    He's going out for a betterpaid job. 他正在謀取一個工資較高的職業。

    We are going out for big results,and we must work harder than before. 我們正努力爭取巨大的成就,因此我們必須加倍努力工作。

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